Live Webinar
Preventative IT Medicine: How to stop cyber-viruses before they hit your inbox

Webinar Date: TBD

If you use email...

You risk being baited by phishers and other cyberthreats worldwide.

You don’t want to be one of the 400,000+ people in North America who get hooked by cyberattackers every year through their email inbox. What can you do to protect yourself and your data?

The best way to keep yourself off the hook is by learning the tactics scammers employ, and then setting yourself up with the proper defensive tools to keep them at bay.

Join us for a live presentation on email security, where we’ll dive into the many dangers of cyberthreats and learn how to keep you and your data afloat with the help of IT experts.

Let IT security experts teach you:

  • Which email scam tactics are running rampant right now (with real-life examples)
  • How a global event like a pandemic bolsters cyberattackers
  • What you can do to avoid falling prey to these cyberthreats
  • How you can recover if an attack against you is successful

Fill out the form to reserve your spot in our live webinar.

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About the Speakers

Glenn Mudryk

CEO, CBM Office Automation

Glenn leads a proudly people-focused business that integrates print and IT under roof and one direction. He is proud to service businesses in Edmonton with a unique approach to customer service and customized solutions.

Robert Craig

Robert Craig

Director of IT, CBM Office Automation

Rob has helped transform CBM into a full-service technology partner, adding digital communication to the company's expertise. He has a passion for technology and truly loves all aspects of the industry.

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